

The midfielder Thiago Alcántara, the striker Luis Díaz and the center back Joe Gomez would be practically ruled out in Liverpool for the second leg of the round of 16 of the Champions League 2022-2023 against Real Madrid, having not yet trained with him. group, continuing with their recovery processes.

“The three are not available (this weekend),” Jurgen Klopp said this Friday at a press conference, before this Saturday’s match against Bournemouth in the Premier League.

The German coach explained that each one is in “different stages” of their injuries. “Joe (Gómez) could train (with the group) at the beginning of the week. I hope Luis (Díaz) appears next week,” he said before assuring that it is “possible” that both return “after the international break.”

“With Thiago, we’ll see,” he said, considering the situation of the Spanish midfielder, with hip problems. “None of them have trained with the team yet and we will see how they evolve in the next two weeks,” Klopp said. The English central defender did play the first leg at Anfield against Real Madrid, while Thiago and Luis Díaz were already absent.


By Lay

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