

LaLiga has described as “absolutely false” that the on-demand sports content OTT DAZN and the CVC venture capital fund are considering breaking their contracts with the football club employers, as published in its Wednesday edition of the online newspaper ‘The Spanish’.

Faced with the article with the title ‘LaLiga in the face of economic collapse: DAZN and CVC are considering breaking their contracts with Javier Tebas’, LaLiga responded with a statement in which it called it “absolutely false” that DAZN and CVC are studying “breaking their contracts with LaLiga due to economic and legal problems” as stated by the digital newspaper.

“DAZN is up to date with the payments, it is complying with the signed contract and the payment schedule complies with what is established in the legal bases of the LaLiga tender. It is also absolutely false that the last Television Control Body spoke from LaLiga of payment difficulties on the part of DAZN. LaLiga and DAZN are and continue to work from the outset in total harmony and with common goals,” he said in the note.

In the case of the agreement with CVC, the project called ‘LaLiga Impulso’ continues, according to LaLiga, its “course as normal”. “Possible legal contingencies due to complaints from third parties, which until now have all been favorable to LaLiga and CVC, are contemplated in the agreement, so the tranquility and harmony between CVC and the LaLiga Impulso clubs is absolute, as demonstrated in the recent days of work in Tarragona”, he explained.

LaLiga recalled that the agreement with CVC has been endorsed by prestigious international firms such as Uría Menendez, Bibium Capital, KPMG or Latham&Watkins, in addition to the approval of the legal advisors of the 38 signatory clubs.

“It is surprising that, despite not having confirmation from DAZN and CVC, Jorge Calabrés and El Español have published this false news, citing unspecified ‘sector sources’. It is also worrying that neither the aforementioned journalist nor any other person from El Español, has contacted LaLiga to verify the information, in yet another lack of rigor and journalistic professionalism,” he added.

In this sense, the employer denounced the personal attack campaign of the media against the organization and its president, Javier Tebas, through continuous “false”, “manipulated” or “misrepresented” publications, in his opinion, in recent months.

Likewise, he stressed that LaLiga’s agreement with CVC has been approved by 38 professional clubs and the 4 recently promoted, and that of DAZN is by the organization as a whole, after a bidding period for audiovisual rights.

“LaLiga will take legal action against those responsible for this publication, and against all those who disseminate these falsehoods, in defense of their interests and those of the clubs,” the note concluded.


By Lay

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