

The Valencia coach, Rubén Baraja, has assured that “the continuity of the project gives success” and that is why Diego Pablo Simeone is triumphing at Atlético de Madrid, whom they will face this Saturday, and has explained that they must “be brave and remove the competitive mentality”, as they did in the Camp Nou, to have options to win in the Cívitas Metropolitano.

“It’s a benchmark when it comes to seeing how a team translates what the coach is looking for on the pitch. Atlético de Madrid, since ‘Cholo’ was here, is a strong team defensively, which also generates chances in attack, that it is difficult to score a goal and that they compete as a team. The continuity of the project gives you success, and I wish it would happen here in Valencia, that a coach would have enough time to be able to work like Simeone”, he declared at a press conference.

The Valencian coach described the clash as an “exciting challenge”, in which they hope to “do things well and put them in difficulty”. “Atlético de Madrid is a powerful team in its field, as we want to be at Mestalla. At the Camp Nou we had our opportunities and we have to go with that same thought, be brave and bring out our competitive mentality. Atlético de Madrid will not He gives many chances to score a goal, defends well and makes little mistakes, but we have to try to find the way to put them in difficulty”, he said.

He was also “happy” to cross paths with Atlético again, in which he played as a player between 1996 and 2000. “It is a special situation, it is a club where I have played. It is a club that has evolved and grown a lot and has been here for ten years in the high positions of the classification fighting for titles. It has had continuity in terms of the project, consolidating itself as one of the best teams in Spain and Europe. I am happy to return”, he stressed.

On the other hand, the coach from Valladolid appealed to reduce the euphoria after the team’s last two victories in the last two days. “I don’t see the classification, but I don’t think we are to think that we have done anything remarkable. We have realized that if we do a series of things we can be a competitive team and we can compete against anyone,” he said.

“If we are a solid, supportive team, if we work the games as a team, we can compete against any team, and that will give us options to get out of this difficult situation; if we think that by winning two games we have everything done, it would be a mistake tremendous calculation. We have generated hope after these two victories, but we do not have to confuse that hope with our reality. Our reality is that each game has to be very important”, he continued.

“We have to be prepared for any situation. There are many games left, many teams are down there, and we have to focus on each game. The game against Atlético de Madrid is going to be difficult because they are a great rival, but we have to go looking for what we need to add”, he continued.


In another vein, he confirmed that both José Luis Gayà and Edinson Cavani will be available on Saturday. “Cavani is working well, last week he already did things with the group and this week he has completed all the training sessions. He is available to travel with us,” he said, without ruling out that he could start. “If he’s on the squad list, it’s because he’s available. We think he could be an option and that’s what we’re going to assess. Almost always the games are won by the players who appear from the bench, they give enough energy to win,” he said. .

Nor did he reject the idea of ​​playing a 4-4-2 with the Uruguayan and Hugo Duro up front. “We are not going to give up anything. The good thing is to have players who give you the option to play in different ways; the most important thing is not the system, but that the players make the system good. The most important thing is to feel that the players are in the dynamics of what I am: of passion, of believing, of growing and of competing”, he exposed.

About Luis de la Fuente’s first list with the national team, in which Gayà is, Baraja was happy. “That our captain returns to the Spanish team is a reward for his work, for his effort,” he said. “The national team is an award for the work of the season. Beyond the fact that a team is not in the best conditions, if a player is regular, if he has continuity and has the possibility of going to the national team, it is positive for the club and for the players, for confidence. We hope they start thinking about the national team after tomorrow’s game, because for us it is very important to have them plugged in and at their maximum performance”, he explained.

Finally, he downplayed the fact that he hadn’t yet spoken to Peter Lim. “It’s not something that worries me. My goal is to work for Valencia; the situation is complex and the only thing the club has done is give me peace of mind and offer me everything I need. I have to try to achieve the goal we’ve set for ourselves” , ended.


By Lay

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