
Beautiful phrases, short phrases, direct phrases, inspired phrases or famous phrases, there is always a perfect phrase for our father, whether it is today March 19 or for any day you want to show your love.

arrives the Father’s Day 2023 and with it a very special day for all our parents, and the opportunity that we all have to congratulate this very special date to a person who, throughout his life, has cared for us, educated us and has made us a better person.

You can congratulate your father with the typical tie or perfume, but sometimes a simple phrase, one of those that touches the heart, is the best option to make them smile and give them a big hug.

Don’t worry if you’re not inspired, because we’re going to make your life easier with a series of short phrases, some very pretty and even some fun ones that you’ll surely remember for the rest of your life.

Although Father’s Day is celebrated in Spain and other countries on March 19, it is also very common on the third Sunday of June in most Ibero-American states and in the United States.

Be that as it may, save some of the following phrases for Father’s Day 2023, because they are valid for any other date as well, since showing affection to our parents It must always be done and not just on a specific day.

Beautiful and original phrases to congratulate Father’s Day 2023

We’ve got a ton of them, many courtesy of Business Insider or our previous crop:

Short phrases: where few words go straight to the heart

  • “There is no empire or galaxy with a father like you.”
  • “I have a hero who can do everything. His name is dad.”
  • “Dad, you were and always will be my prince charming.”
  • “To you, dearest dad, for being a real superhero.”
  • “It’s not easy being a dad but you make it look like it. Congratulations!”
  • “Thank you for taking care of this family as if it were the best of treasures.”
  • “The best legacy from a father to his children is a little of his time every day.”
  • “Having you as a father is the best gift in the world.”
  • “Here’s a super hug for the coolest dad.”
  • “Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance: love.”
  • “Thank you for teaching me to walk through life by your hand.”
  • “When I grow up I want to be like you: a superhero. I love you, dad!”

Beautiful phrases: those that cause big hugs

  • “You are a king without a crown, a superhero without a cape, but it doesn’t matter, for me you are all that and much more.”
  • “No matter how far we can find ourselves, distances will never exist for us.”
  • “My father is not that he is the best in the world, but he was in charge of creating my world from the day I was born.”
  • “When I doubt you advise me, when I’m wrong you help me and you’re always by my side when I call you. Thanks for everything, dad.”
  • “A good father is the one who heals your knee injuries as a child, shows you the way to go as you grow up, and lets you make your own decisions. And that’s you, dad.”
  • “You have always taken me by the hand to face all the challenges of life.”
  • “Thank you dad, for giving me the umbrella on rainy days, even if you got wet.”
  • “You are an example to follow, I am proud to be able to say that I look like you, even if it is a little bit”.
  • “I am grateful every day of my life to have a father as incredible as you.”
  • “The best dad in the world. A few words that really mean everything.”
  • “Having you as a father is the best gift in the world. The gift on Father’s Day is truly you give it to me.”
  • Thanks dad for not telling me how to live. You lived and taught me by your example.
  • Being a father is: laughing, crying, suffering, waiting… Thank you for the opportunity to have a father like you every day. Happy Father’s Day!
  • I didn’t make it easy for you, and even so you never stopped supporting and loving me. Thank you for your company, Happy Father’s Day!
  • Father, you say that you brought me into the world, but my world is you. Happy Father’s Day!
  • Dad, I admire you so much that every day that passes I want to look more like you. Happy day!
  • You are not only my father, you are also my best friend, my teacher and the great love of my life.
  • The only thing better than having you as a parent is that my children have you as a grandfather. Happy Father’s Day.

Funny phrases: those that draw a big smile

  • “Rousseau said that a good father is worth a hundred teachers. How right he was. Thank you for being my reference and my best teacher in life.”
  • “A father like you can’t find it even Google! Happy Father’s Day.”
  • Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but hopefully mine came with the best dad to guide me.
  • Parents are dedicated one day a year, but mine dedicates every day of his life to me.
  • As time goes by, I know that your face changes, but I also know that your heart does not, I want you to know that your presence in my life motivates me to keep fighting.
  • In all my life I will not forget the teachings and scolding that made me a winner. Thank you and Happy Father’s Day!
  • “You taught me to ride a bike, you helped me with my homework, you healed my wounds… You don’t want to pay me the bills on the car, too, right? Well, for now I’ll settle for you continuing to give me your unconditional love.”
  • “Charles Wadsworth said that when a man realizes that perhaps his father was right, he already has a son of his own who thinks that his father is wrong. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations, dad. Not everyone can boast of having a son like me.”
  • “Father, père, Vater, isä, pare, faoir… It doesn’t matter how many languages ​​I choose to tell you who is one of the most important people in my life.”
  • “!ápap, erdaP led aíD zileF¡ If you want to decipher the message, you will have to put your neurons to the test. And don’t complain, it’s very easy… !oreiuq eT¡”.
  • “If wisdom comes with age, you’re the wisest person I know. Congratulations, Dad!”
  • “You taught me to laugh when I was growing up…and now you’re the one with no teeth.”
  • “Today is Father’s Day and I almost forgot the most important congratulations. Can someone give me the butanero’s phone number to tell him how much I love him? Just kidding… Thanks for putting up with my nonsense for so long, dad. Congratulations!”
  • “Dear dad: thank you for not giving me up for adoption, for not kicking me out of the house as a teenager, for being so patient and for giving me such good advice (which I don’t even remember now).”

Famous phrases: you’ve heard them before, and they always work

  • “The father’s doing for his son is doing for himself”, Miguel de Cervantes.
  • “There is nothing more beautiful than a father becoming a friend to his children, when they lose their fear of him, but not their respect”, José Ingenieros.
  • “Going to another place is much easier when you know that your family will be delighted to go with you”, The boy in the striped pajamas.
  • “Blessed indeed is the man who hears many voices calling him father”, Lydia M. Child.
  • “There is no word or brush that comes to manifest father’s love”, Mateo Alemán.
  • “A father takes care of ten children more than ten children of a father”, Adam Smith.
  • “Dad says not to be ashamed of our powers that make us special”, The Incredibles.
  • “It is a wise man who knows his own son”, William Shakespeare.
  • “What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but can be heard by posterity”, Jean Paul Richter.
  • “Never forget how much your family loves you”, Coco.
  • “How great a wealth it is, even among the poor, to be the son of a good father!”, Juan Luis Vives.
  • “I don’t think there is any greater need in childhood than the protection of a parent”, Sigmund Freud.

Surely there are many more phrases for the Father’s daybut with the previous ones you already have a lot to show all your love.


By Lay

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