
Enes Ünal, from a penalty at 106′, signed the 2-2 that prevents the yellow takeoff


A penalty goal by Enes Ünal in the 106th minute left a dramatic 2-2 draw this Friday between Getafe and a Cádiz team that was already licking its lips with three points to take off from the lower zone, at the start of matchday 25 of LaLiga Santander in the New Mirandilla.

The Turkish striker signed his double in a long discount that the local team protested, thanks to a handball from Espino that was reviewed by the referee in the VAR. Hernández Hernández and the video arbitration were protagonists in another two penalties, leaving no one happy and with the fight for salvation even tighter if possible.

Cádiz did not stop chaining their tenth game in a row adding at home, but a fourth consecutive victory vanished to put land in the middle with a relegation zone that has both teams within range. With the drama and tension of another duel for those who drown, roulette smiled at Cádiz until 106′.

Getafe, with less possession, accumulated the chances, with Algobia and another very clear one from Maksimovic, until in the 39th minute a great play by Iza headed it with everything and into the Sobrino net for the Andalusians to make it 1-0. Munir ran into Ledesma once again, also key to the local income, before the break. The resumption was the opposite script, with a more overturned Cádiz, but the goal of ‘Geta’.

Roger, half Chilean, Espino and a good scoreboard that Bongonda did not take advantage of gave way to a penalty by Escalante on Ünal that the ‘azulón’ striker himself sent to the squad at 61′. Those of Sánchez Flores almost revived after what was seen in the previous minutes and the clash went back into roulette.

Ünal was close to scoring almost without wanting to, as his goals have fallen this season (12), and Sergi Guardiola had it for the locals. 10 minutes from the end, in a throw-in, a shot from Escalante ran into Duarte’s arm and the referee signaled another penalty without thinking about it, in addition to the second yellow for the visitor.

Rubén Alcaraz was in charge of making it 2-1 and seemed direct to the headlines until that long discount. Another game that makes people talk, with hands in the area and VAR. The ‘Pacha’ Espino was the unfortunate protagonist of a ball rained to his arm that Ünal did not forgive in the maximum penalty and that left the distribution of points and the brawl with the expulsion of Isaac Carcelén.


By Lay

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