
The POT announced yesterday that the mission Artemis II carry astronauts to the Moon in November 2024. If all goes well as so far, artemis iii will try the desired landingin November 2025.

If you remember, the Artemis I mission brought several mannequins to the Moon, a few months ago. These dummies were packed with sensors to measure radiation, forces, pressure, and other data about the conditions the objects will endure. astronauts.

Yesterday, Wednesday, at a press conference, the POT offered the mission report. Everything went much better than expected, to the point that the 126 targets20 of them improvised on the fly, due to how well everything was working.

He orion module that will carry the astronauts, developed by the European Space Agencyuse 25% less energy and generated 25% more power than the expected calculations.

Humanity returns to the Moon

With these data in hand, NASA has already set a date for the mission Artemis IIwhich will have a crew of four astronautsincluding one Canadian. But he has not yet revealed his names, he assures that he has not decided.

Artemis II is a reconnaissance mission. The Orion will travel to the Moon and it will go around our satellite several times, but will not land. will take off in November 2024.

If all goes well, just one year later, in November 2025the Artemis III mission will mean the long-awaited return of mankind to the moon. Others four astronautsamong them a womana non-caucasian personand possibly a Europeanthey will carry out the desired moon landing.

In the press conference, NASA affirms that the date of artemis iii it depends on whether the hardware needed to land is completed on time.

Little by little, the dream of return to the moonin November 2024 and 2025, is becoming reality. It is a first step to form the first colony on the Moon, which will serve as the base of operations to start the trip to Mars. For that there are still a few decades to go…


By Lay

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