

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) has responded to CA Osasuna that it correctly applied the protocol established in the VAR to annul the goal against Moroccan Ez Abde against Celta last Monday, some explanations that have not convinced the Navarrese team, that insists on the lack of clarity and that there is not in the answer “not even an iota of self-criticism”.

The ‘rojillo’ group confirmed this Monday that it has received a response from the federation to its request to formally request a review of both the technology that supports the arbitration group and its application protocol, as well as to obtain an explanation on the procedures used to invalidate that goal.

The Navarrese team, with a view to “maximum transparency possible”, published the two letters received by the federation, one from the Cabinet of the Presidency, where it thanked “the tone” of the request, and another from the president of the CTA, Luis Medina Cantalejo, who shows his surprise because he has trusted “more in an external report made on a television capture than in the lines generated by the system used by the RFEF.”

The former collegiate reminded Osasuna of the quality standards of the system endorsed by FIFA and that he believes that comparing it with one that is based on “grass cuts is risky to say the least.” In addition, given the questioning of “the quality of the images transmitted from the VAR”, he stresses that only the semi-automatic offside detection system is “better” than the one they have in Spanish football, but that “it is not at disposition” of the collegiates.

Medina Cantalejo also clarifies that the review time, which seemed short to the Navarrese club, was adequate and that its variation depends on “different variables”, and asserts that there was no “misapplication”, confirming that the decision made was “rigorously correct and adjusted to the established protocol”.


For its part, Osasuna replied to these writings with a new one signed by its general director, Fran Canal, who regretted in the first place that there was not a single line of self-criticism in the CTA’s response.

In this sense, the manager considers that the explanations provided are “imprecise and insufficient” because they do not answer whether “the offside lines were drawn correctly in said action”, if “the image broadcast on television is the that motivated the decision of the VAR referee”, and if the CTA believes that “the references used to draw” these lines were taken correctly.

Regarding the external report made on the television capture, Canal warns that the “only image” provided to public opinion “precisely does not favor confidence in the video arbitration system used.” “Trust must be worked on and not be reduced to a mere act of faith,” he points out.

“The external report provided by CA Osasuna is clear when it comes to identifying the nature of the error produced, which has not been refuted by Mr. Medina Cantalejo, despite the fact that in his writing he has dedicated several paragraphs to other technical issues,” he adds. the ‘rojillo’ club.

He insists that his report “evidence that the morphological references” taken to Javi Galán and ‘Chimy Ávila’ to draw the line “are not identical”. “That is why what we are requesting is a clarification of this specific issue, which is essential to understand whether the application of the technology that assisted the field referee was correct,” he remarks.

Osasuna also complains about the difference in time used to review this play and the one that affected Kike Barja in the match against Sevilla, which was two minutes longer despite the fact that they cannot “appreciate added visual difficulties” since they understand that it is an action “easier to analyze” because in that case the reference point of those involved is “the same, the tip of the boot”.

In the same way, the Osasunista general director admits to being perplexed that the president of the CTA reminds them that they are not going to consent to the existence of a lack of professionalism or preparation in the referees, because they see it as “victimist and absolutely unnecessary” since from the club ” their work has been respected at all times. “We imagine that this speech will also have caused surprise in the Cabinet of the Presidency, which in its response thanks our entity for the ‘tone’ used”, he points out.

“CA Osasuna appreciates the invitation from the RFEF to attend La Ciudad del Fútbol. An invitation that they will gladly accept if they can have access to the images and audio from the VOR room of the 53 seconds that elapsed since Ez Abde’s goal until its invalidation. In addition, we consider that it would be beneficial for all the groups involved and, ultimately, for Spanish football if this content were made available to public opinion,” he says.


By Lay

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