

The women’s national coach, Jorge Vilda, assured this Wednesday that the friendly match against Norway this Thursday (6:00 p.m.) will serve as “great preparation for the World Cup”, a “level” duel for which he asked the players to give their ” better version”.

“You just have to look at their results, that good performance has been without their great players, like Ada Hegerberg, Ingrid Engen and Caroline Hansen, who are here this time. We have to prepare to play against one of the most powerful teams in the world “Vilda said at the press conference prior to the duel, which will be held in Can Misses (Ibiza).

The coach analyzed the Scandinavian team, a team “of the level of a World Cup qualifier”. “They have some of the most dangerous transitions. They defend well, they are dangerous, but we have studied them well, we know them,” he said, before commenting on China, his next rival in this FIFA window, which is a team with “a lot of order.” “But our focus is one hundred percent on tomorrow’s game, it will be a great preparation for the World Cup,” he added.

“The final exams will come when we get closer to the date (of the World Cup). Tomorrow we will draw the most appropriate ‘eleven’, knowing that there are 12 other perfectly trained players, with a level to equal or improve the ‘eleven’. It is a game that will It will serve to prepare us well, we have to give our best version to win. I see them motivated and with great enthusiasm”, he celebrated.

Regarding the captaincy of the Spanish team, he confirmed that players like Irene Paredes, who returned to a call-up months later after being collaterally affected by the ‘earthquake’ at ’15 o’clock’, and Jenni Hermoso do not need to wear the captain’s armband to exercise that leadership. “What works you should not touch or at least as little as possible. But they are two players with a lot of charisma, regardless of whether they wear a bracelet or do not exercise very positive leadership,” she said.


For her part, defense Ivana Andrés acknowledged that “it is difficult to stop” Norway’s “top players”, for which she called for “confidence” and “maximum concentration”. “We must help each other, the details are very important,” he said, before insisting, as his coach, that Irene Paredes and Jenni Hermoso “are two great players, with leadership and admired”, and “an example for the girls” and the rest of players.

Finally, she was “happy” with Ibiza’s reception of the selection. “We are very focused on tomorrow’s game, we have done very good two training sessions. We want to prepare ourselves in the best conditions for the World Cup, continue to form a group,” she settled.


By Lay

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