
On April 20, 2023 there will be a rare hybrid solar eclipse. These change from total to null as the Moon’s shadow moves across the Earth; in some places the Moon completely covers the Sun, while in others a ring of light is seen around the edge of this satellite.

These eclipses are quite rare, occurring only a few times a century, and some will be lucky enough to see it in as little as 6 days.

Hybrid eclipses occur because the Earth is curved and the shadow of the La it has different regions, particularly a darker central region known as the umbra and a lighter outer region, the penumbra. Hybrid eclipses occur when the Moon is as far from Earth as possible in its elliptical orbit, while the umbra still meets the planet’s surface.

Unfortunately for the vast majority of the world, it will not be observable. However, those who live in Western Australia, East Timor and the eastern islands of Indonesia will be lucky enough to see one of life’s great spectacles.

The first solar eclipse of 2023 that will occur only 7 times in the 21st century

The eclipse will begin at 9:36 p.m. EDT on April 19 (01:36 GMT on April 20) and end at 2:59 a.m. EDT (06:59 GMT) on April 20, according to in the sky. Because the eclipse will be visible first in the Indian Ocean and then in the Pacific, it will already be April 20 local time during the event.

This will start as a eclipse annular over the Indian Ocean, transitioning to a total eclipse phase as it moves over western Australia, and ending as an annular eclipse over the South Pacific.

The event will appear as a partial eclipse of many more countries, including the southern territories of France, where 93% of the planet will be eclipsed. Sun; Papua New Guinea, where 87% will be blocked; and the Marshall Islands, where 95% of the Sun will be covered by the Moon, according to in the sky.

The last eclipse of this type occurred almost 10 years ago., on November 3, 2013. The next hybrid solar eclipse after this month’s will occur in November 2031 and will be visible from parts of the United States. After this, the next time the world will be able to see a hybrid eclipse will be on March 23, 2164.


By Lay

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