
The impressive red aurora, captured from Cáceres, and which has even been named on the front page by NASA itself.

Surely for your next summer vacation you are looking for idyllic and unique landscapes to be able to photograph them, but it is likely that you do not have to go very far from home, because within our country, we can capture such amazing moments that they are even on the cover of NASA itself. .

And specifically, a photograph taken in the sky of Casar in Cáceres has been awarded, which has experienced a unique phenomenon in the last few hours, a beautiful red aurora, which has even been named the astronomical image of the day of the POTreferring to April 25.

The photograph was taken by Lorenzo Cordero, an astrophotographer who has been a fan of astronomy for more than 25 years and who has posted, to everyone’s delight, this story also on his social networks such as Instagram.

Lorenzo Cordero himself has explained that NASA “choose a photograph of me of the red aurora, captured from the abandoned station in Casar de Cáceres, Extremadura”.

It adds that “It is one of those nights that you are going to spend time doing a circumpolar, and suddenly you are surprised by the colors that you are photographing. At no time did I think of an aurora, but the color was very strange to be Skyglow. As NASA says, a stunning red aurora, captured near the city of Cáceres in central Spain”.

NASA explains the phenomenon

NASA itself, in the explanation of the photograph, comments: “in the photo, an impressive red dawn was captured last night near the city of Cáceres in central Spain. Auroras were also reported in parts of southern Spain. The auroras were the result of a strong Coronal Mass Event (CME) that occurred on the Sun a few days ago.”.

NASA adds thatthe CME particles crossed the inner Solar System before colliding with Earth’s magnetosphere. From there, the electrons and protons spiraled down Earth’s northern magnetic field lines and collided with oxygen and nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere, causing picturesque auroral glows. Our unusually active Sun may provide future opportunities to view the Northern Lights in southern skies.”.

And if you think that it is a phenomenon that you will never have the opportunity to photograph, NASA estimates that this type of phenomenon, including solar storms and holes in the magnetosphere, will become more common, facilitating this type of phenomenon.


By Lay

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