
Let’s add a new and shocking discovery from the NASA telescope James Webb that comes, once again, to leave us with our mouths open. In this case, we talk about has been able to detect huge galaxies very far away from our own that some scientists say should not exist.

These huge galaxies are believed to be some of the first to form after the Big Bang, and their discovery by James Webb has left some of the scientific community quite confused.

Specifically, it talks about galaxies that probably formed about 350 million years after the Big Bang and one, called GLASS-z13, dates to just 300 million years after this event, but the size and age of these objects together have the potential to turn the astronomy textbooks upside down.

“It turns out that we found something so unexpected that it actually creates problems for science. It calls into question the whole picture of early galaxy formation.”is explained in a new article published in the journal Nature.

How exactly do they know the age of a galaxy so far away?

The James Webb is able to go back in time up to 13.5 billion years, about two million years after the universe was formed, because it has infrared detection instruments that can detect the light emitted by the stars and galaxies more ancient.

Well, in this case, it all comes down to the light that galaxies emit. Younger stars emit bluer light that is bright.

hubble vs. webb

Older stars begin to emit redder light as they burn their fuel and begin to cool, creating the reddish color we see when the Webb sees them. The further the light spreads out, the redder it appears to instruments like this telescope at POT.

Webb’s discovery of these massive early galaxies is sure to send some ripples through the scientific community. Hopefully, with future observations and new telescopes, we will be able to observe them more directly.

With all this novelty in the hands of the scientific team leading the James Webb finds, if these objects are what they appear to be, it would fundamentally change current beliefs about the universe. The team plans to use this telescope from NASA to gather more information about these galaxies to verify this amazing discovery.


By Lay

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