
Japanese scientists, in collaboration with the University of Western Australia, have broken two records: the video recording of the deeper fishto 8,336 meters under the sea, and the capture of the fish at a deeper depth, 8,022 meters.

Just today the astronauts who will travel to the Moon in 2024 have been announced, and the views are set on traveling to Mars, or on the exoplanets discovered by the James Webb telescope. But it turns out that we have an alien planet only 8 km away.

The seabed is truly unknown, for good reason: 8,000 meters deep the pressure is 800 times stronger than on the surface, unbearable for a human, even for the robots that go down to the bottom.

The depth record with a diving tank is 332 meters. With a mini-submarine, several people have managed to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trenchto 10,929 meters. Among them the director of Titanic and Avatar, James Cameron.

How deep can a fish survive?

so far the depth record of filming a fish It was established at 8,178 meters, in the Mariana Trench, according to the BBC.

The scientists thought that it was a difficult record to beat, because the lower the pressure, the more pressure there is and the colder it is. But record has been surpassed. This fish of unknown species and alien aspect, swims to 8,336 meters deep:

Their fins that look like arms are surprising, and that they use to walk on the seabed. They are fleshy in color, and blind, because there is no light at this depth.

The video has been recorded in the Izu-Ogasawara Trenchin Japanese waters.

It is a unknown species of snail fishbelonging to the genus pseudoliparis. Unfortunately, the remote robot could not capture this specimen, but it did capture two other fish at 8,022 meterswhich turned out to belong to the species Pseudoliparis belyaevialready known.

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Scientists are convinced that It is very difficult for this depth record for a fish to be broken. And if he does it, it will be for a few meters: “If the record is broken, it will be for minute increments, possibly a few metersexplains Professor Alan Jamieson, a deep-sea scientist at the University of Western Australia.

It seems impossible to find life in such extreme conditions, but Nature never ceases to amaze us. These videotaped fish to 8,336 meters deep suppose a new recordwhich is difficult to overcome.


By Lay

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