
Radio is not dead. This technology is still more alive than ever and, in fact, it has managed to reach space. Yes, you read it right. The voice of an Argentine taxi driver has walked through the broadcast of a walk in the space of the POT. It may seem completely unlikely, but it is something that has happened and, the truth is, it is wonderful.

It happened on April 19 at dawn, the International Space Station it housed the work of two Russian astronauts who were going abroad with a mission: to move a radiator. Neither of these two astronauts expected the voice of an Argentine taxi driver to slip through the conversation with the control center asking for the address of a place on the Land.

The joke tells itself, although it has so many layers that it is even difficult to know the path that the joke will take. The astronauts heard the following: “Did you say one-five-zero, from Irigoyen?” Yes, the taxi driver was looking for confirmation of an address on Earth while astronauts were trying to solve a problem in space.

The address corresponds to a street in Argentina and, in fact, it can be found on Google Maps without any problem. Obviously, there is a video of the situation and, in fact, it has become extremely popular on social networks. The video has spread like wildfire and has accumulated a huge number of views on Twitter.

The voice of an Argentine taxi driver sneaks into a NASA mission

The most curious thing about the situation is that the person who was liaising with the space agency thought that a microphone channel had been opened and, therefore, his reaction was to apologize to the two astronauts who were carrying out the mission in outer space.

Among the different possibilities for this to have happened, there is one that makes more sense than the rest. What has been assumed is that the taxi driver would have used a frequency that is also used by NASA and, therefore, his communication with that of NASA would have slipped through.

Also, despite the fact that this may seem annoying, the cosmonauts did not report any type of problem and the mission continued as it had to. In fact, the most striking thing is that this person from Argentina he will be able to say, in case the recording is sent to him, that he had a conversation with astronauts.


By Lay

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