
There are two or three solar eclipses a year. But hybrid, barely six in a century.

He April 20th will take place what the experts call hybrid solar eclipse, the rarest of all. It will only be visible in the southern hemisphere, but we will all be able to follow it live thanks to the Internet.

The last hybrid solar eclipse took place on November 3, 2013. The next one won’t happen until November 2031. As you can see, they’re very rare, so you shouldn’t miss them.

unfortunately this hybrid solar eclipse of the April 20th It can only be seen in the southern hemisphere. It will begin at 21:36 EDT on April 19 (01:36 GMT April 20) and end at 2:59 EDT (0659 GMT) on April 20, according to In the Sky.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon stands between the sun and the earth:

solar eclipse

Based on the distances between the three celestial bodies, and due to the perspective from Earth, the Moon appears to be the same size as the Sun from Earth, and therefore a total solar eclipse: the Sun is completely covered, and in places where it is day, it becomes night for a few minutes.

If the Moon is a little further away it looks smaller than the Sun. It does not cover it completely, showing a ring of fire around the Moon. This is called annular eclipse.

Lastly, if the Moon just cover a piece of Sun because it is not aligned with it, it is called partial eclipse.

Typically, only one of these three types occurs. But on rare occasions, like the April 20tha hybrid solar eclipse: a total eclipse and cancel in the same event. Specifically, first of all we will have an annular eclipse, it will go to total, and again annular again.

The hybrid eclipses They occur due to the curvature of the Earth. The Moon is close enough to cast its shadow, called an umbra, in some areas, producing a total eclipse. But too far away so that in other regions that shadow does not arrive and an annular eclipse is observed.

At the beginning and end of the eclipse there is also a partial eclipseso it is a unique opportunity to see the three types of solar eclipses, on the same day.

According to NASA, the total solar eclipse will be enjoyed in Australia and Southeast Asia, the annular eclipse will appear in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, and the partial eclipse in Southeast Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.

If you want to see it live, you can do it on the NASA channel, or on Australian astronomical observation websites such as TimeandDate or Gravity Discovery Center & Observatory

He hybrid solar eclipse it is a rare phenomenon that only occurs six times in a century. The next one will take place April 20th. Do not miss it!


By Lay

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